Google MapsWe can insert geographical maps into your website pages using Google Maps.
File Upload & DownloadAllows you to provide content that users can download such as company brochures, pricelists etc.. It is also possible for users to upload files to your website.
TrainingAll website design packages come with 60 minutes training. The training can be on any of the following topics to make up the 60 minutes:
Free Domain NameA free domain name of your choice is included with all our packages.
We can prepare a facebook page for your company, and provide "like" buttons on your website that link back to Facebook.
Password ProtectionPages of your website can be protected so that only users with the correct password can gain access.You can require a password for your whole website, or just individual pages.
SitemapA Sitemap is map of your entire website and how each page relates to each other. A Sitemap helps to improve your search engine ranking. We Provide one for every website that we do.
Photo GalleryAllows you to share images or photos online. You can organise images into albums and slideshows.
Mobile Phone CompatibleWe can design your website so that it is compatible with mobile phones.
Free Email AddressWe will provide you with a number of free email accounts depending on which package you select.
SEOSearch Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility or rank of a website in a search engine's (e.g. un-paid search results. In general the higher a web page is ranked and the more frequently the site appears in the results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. We will create your website with search engine's in mind and we'll optimise your website for a select number of keywords.
Youtube VideosWe can embed Youtube videos into your website
Search BoxSearch Boxes can be used to search for particular words on your website.
Calendar DisplayWe can embed a live calender to your website that will update when you update your schedule on you android phone or online google calander.
ForumAllows you to set up a forum where visitors can ask questions and participate in discussions.
ECommerceAllows you to sell products from your website 24 hours a day, 365 days year.
HostingWe use very latest server cluster technology which delivers 99.99% uptime guaranteed and complete user flexibility.
Support & MaintenanceWe provide Technical support and Maintenance to all our clients free of charge.
Contact FormsContact Forms allows you to request and receive information from users of your website
CMSA Content Management System (CMS) allows you the functionality to update the website yourself through your web browser. We will train you to use our simple interface so that you can update the content, change pictures or even change the entire look of your website with the single click of a button.
Embed DocumentsWe can embed word, excel or PDF documents onto your website so that users can view the contents of the documents on your webpage.
Audio PlayerWe can put an Audio player on your website so that music or commentary will play automatically when the website is opened or when the audio file is selected.
Social IconsWe can put Social Icons on your website such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,