Additional Domain NamesAdditional Domain Names can be purchased in order to increase traffic to your website our protect your company name from imitators and competitors. The cost for additional Domain Names is €15 per domain ($30 for .ie domains)
Additional Email AccountsAn additional 5 email address can be added to your package at a cost of €20
Shopping CartFrom one product to pages of products our system lets you sell online 24 hours a day and receive payments through Paypal. We set it all up for you. We can also build your shopping cart, add products and prices.
ContentWe can write content for your website that will make your website look more professional and pad out Webpages that look bare.
Additional TrainingAdditional Training on any of the below topics can be purchased in 60 minute sessions at a cost of €30.
For more information, See the Build Session & Training page on this website. |
Search Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility or rank of a website in a search engine's (e.g. un-paid search results. In general the higher a web page is ranked, the more frequently the site appears in the results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users.
We will make small tweaks to your website in order to optimise it for better ranking in google and other search engines. We will update you during the process to give you an idea of the logic behind any changes that are made to your website. Our service also includes basic training in Search Engine Optimisation to ensure that any future changes you make to the website will improve it's search engine ranking and not damage it. |
Google Adwords campaignGoogle Adwords allows users to create ads using keywords, which are words or phrases related to your business. The ads will then appear in Google when people search a related term on Google. In this way, your ad only appears on the search results when internet users are already interest in your product or service.
You will only get charged if the user actually clicks on your ad and is directed to your website. You can limit you daily budget to whatever you wish and you can also put a limit on the amount you are willing to pay for each click. The position of your ad is determined by amount you are willing to pay for each click on your ad and how relevant the your keyword is to what the user is esarching for. We will set up a google adwords account for you, train you how to use it and help you to implement your first Adwords campaign. |